Agrarians of the Sabinsky district for the first time reached 200 tons of daily milk production

1 February 2020, Saturday

With their daily hard work, agrarians of the Sabinsky district crossed the bar of 200 tons of gross milk yield per day. This record was achieved for the first time in the history of the region and became a significant contribution to the development of dairy farming in Tatarstan.

A huge contribution to the development of animal husbandry in the region is made by agricultural producers. Over 46 tons daily is produced by Saba LLC (1.5 tons more than in 2019), more than 25 tons by Igenche LLC (plus 1.0 tons by 2019). High production indicators were achieved at PMK LLC - 20 tons, peasant farm Mukhametshina Z.Z. - 18 tons, LLC SHP "Yulbat" - 19 tons per day.

In total, according to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, as of February 1, the gross daily milk yield amounted to 3,611.3 tons, which is 196 tons (105.7%) more than on the same date last year.

“Dairy cattle breeding is one of the priorities of the Tatarstan agro-industrial complex and, thanks to the implementation by the Ministry of a range of measures to support the production and sale of milk in the republic, positive results are noted,” said Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Lenar Garipov.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Tatarstan is the leader in terms of production and sales of milk among the subjects of the Russian Federation. So, according to the agency’s latest data, on January 20 of this year, the country's agricultural organizations sold 46.2 thousand tons of milk per day, which is 7.9% more than the same indicator last year. At the same time, the largest daily milk sales were achieved in Tatarstan - more than 4 thousand tons.

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