Marat Zyabbarov: There are more than 450 thousand personal agribusinesses, more than 4 thousand farms and 273 agricultural cooperatives

11 January 2020, Saturday

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov reported today on the development of small forms of farming in the Republic of Tatarstan at a republican meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov held a videoconferencing meeting with all municipal areas. The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin.

Small business forms are presented by: more than 450 thousand of personal, more than 4 thousand farms and 273 agricultural consumer cooperatives. In August 2019, issues of the development of small business forms were considered at zone seminar-meetings. During the discussion, the villagers and farmers discussed more than 100 questions, sent more than 40 specific proposals. The execution, with the corresponding conclusions, will be announced at the next zone seminars in March on the basis of the host districts. Here, diplomas and prizes will be handed to one hundred winners of the contests “The Best Rural Settlement, Peasant Farm, Private Partnership, Cooperative”.

The Head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan said that Rosselkhozbank has gone to the farmers, who launched 2 new loan products - Micro APK and Become a Farmer, where the terms for making decisions on granting loans are shortened, the decision-making and issuing procedures are simplified.

“We have positive dynamics in animal husbandry,” said Marat Zyabbarov. “Due to the intensive development of farms, we expect an increase in gross agricultural output about 3.6% in the year, all forms of management are growing.”

In general, the farmers of the republic show an increase in all types of livestock and poultry, cash proceeds are growing, and the number of workers is increasing. The number of cattle reached 101.7 thousand heads, this is a third, or 32 thousand heads more than in 2015.

Positive results of the work became possible due to the support of small forms - this is over 2 billion rubles annually, and by 2019 - 2.5 billion rubles. The basis of support is grants to farmers and cooperatives (in 2019 - 1.3 billion rubles), subsidies to private household plots (annually over 500 million rubles).

In three peasant farm support programs (Beginner Farmer, Family Farm Development, Agrostartup) 238 farmers received grants for business development.

The fourth year the Law “On the development of personal subsidiary plots on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan”, aimed primarily at supporting the maintenance of living creatures in private courtyards. Support for private households helps maintain a rural lifestyle and increase the family budgets of rural residents.

In addition to subsidies for the preservation of dairy herds, a program for the construction of mini-farms is being implemented. In 2015-2019, 1865 mini-farms were built with state support from the republican budget for 360 million rubles, the livestock increase for the program participants amounted to 5 thousand cows.

“We see the further development of small forms in their integration into agricultural consumer cooperatives and in the resumption of the work of consumer societies,” said Marat Zyabbarov. He specified that in the republic there are 273 registered cooperatives, including 45 which were created in 2019.

All kinds of support for agricultural consumer cooperatives continue. Since 2015, 43 cooperatives have received development grants making an amount of 827 million rubles.

Active work in the republic is carried out on the sale of products through electronic forms of trade. There are already 40 sites operating here, volumes of various agricultural products are being formed and, at the request of customers, they are delivered to their homes by electronic application. So, only through the Plantation Station site 18 thousand orders are received annually.

For 2020, all types of private household support for the construction of mini-farms, the purchase of poultry, the maintenance of mares older than 3 years, the purchase of heifers, veterinary services, and the maintenance of dairy herds are maintained.

Conditions and volumes of grant support for the development programs of family farms (350 million rubles), novice farmers (250 million rubles), cooperatives (300 million rubles) are maintained. Also, measures to implement the federal project “Creating a Support System for Farmers and Develop Cooperation” will be continued - federal legislation increased the amount of grants for the Agrostartup project in the dairy and meat sector of cattle to 5 million rubles for a farmer’s business project and up to 6 million rubles in the case of sending part of the grant to the development of the cooperative in which it consists.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan stated that work on the development of small forms will be continued. Among the key areas is the involvement of the rural population in entrepreneurial activity, the increase in its employment and income.

Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, in turn, said: support programs for small business forms are very important. “We pay attention to the development and support of large businesses, but we must remember that personal courtyards are an important component of rural development. Today, personal farmsteads and small forms of management provide up to 50% of agricultural production, ”said Rustam Minnikhanov.

Full speech: http: //

Full video of the speech: http: //

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