RT Ministry of Agriculture and Food is interested in supporting youth with creative ideas for rural development

10 January 2020, Friday

“The Ministry of Agriculture is interested in supporting young qualified personnel with creative ideas for the development of rural areas, and therefore we are pleased to support the idea of ​​holding an International Congress of Rural Youth. This will allow exchanging experience with foreign colleagues on the development of the spatial development of rural territories, ”Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marcel Makhmutov said at a press conference in Tatar-inform today. The event was also attended by the chairman of the NGO “AMO RT” Dilyara Shuvalova and the Deputy Minister for Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan Rinat Sadykov.

The key topic of the press conference was the International Congress of Rural Youth, which will be held for the first time in Kazan. 37 foreign delegates from 25 countries have already submitted applications. In particular, from the CIS countries, Germany, Egypt, Congo, India, Spain, Lithuania, Morocco, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Northern Macedonia, Northern Ireland, Serbia, Senegal, Slovenia, Turkey and Estonia. The congress will be attended by 25 international and more than 20 federal speakers.

Marcel Makhmutov noted that thanks to the close interaction of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan with the Agrarian Youth Association of the republic, it is possible not only to implement social projects that increase the prestige of rural life, but also to organize such joint events as: information and advisory teams to rural settlements, educational programs for beginning entrepreneurs , training in project management of local governments, thanks to this, we are able to involve rural youth in the implementation of national projects and government programs.

Also, the Deputy Minister noted that on May 31, 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the state program “Integrated development of rural territories”

for 2020-2025 "and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation is assigned to the execution of the state program. This project opens up new opportunities for rural residents, including for the self-realization of a young man in the village, among them new types of support as social mortgage in the village, grant programs to support farmers, subsidizing enterprises to provide targeted education in higher education institutions, as well as supporting initiatives of the rural population.

The educational program of the Congress includes: “Youth entrepreneurship in the countryside” and “Culture, preservation of identity and rural tourism” will allow participants to increase their competencies in these areas. And, of course, the exchange of experience of Congress delegates in consolidating and creating conditions for the self-realization of youth in the countryside will allow us to identify and apply the best successful cases in our territories. And the acquired project management skills will allow representatives of municipalities to write draft initiatives of the rural population to receive federal funds for their implementation by the national project “Integrated Development of Rural Areas”.

The Congress will bring together more than 200 representatives of rural youth from the subjects of Russia and other countries. Young people aged 18 to 35 years are invited to participate: representatives of public organizations working with rural youth, young entrepreneurs operating in rural areas, agricultural workers; representatives of local governments of rural territories (heads of rural settlements, young deputies). Registration of Congress participants is open until January 15, 2020 at the link.

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