Marat Zyabbarov: Over 5 years, investments in the agricultural sector of Tatarstan amounted to 140 billion rubles

21 December 2019, Saturday

Over the past 5 years, the investment in the agricultural sector of the republic amounted to 140 billion rubles, including 96 billion rubles in agriculture and 44 billion rubles in the processing industry. These data were announced today at a meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov. The meeting via videoconferencing with all municipal regions of the republic was held by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. The meeting was also attended by the Prime Minister of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin.

Significant volumes of investments were directed to the implementation of significant high-tech projects: dairy complexes, poultry farms, meat processing plants, etc. "For us, investments are the modernization of the technological base, updating of production assets, and increasing labor productivity," the minister emphasized.

Over the past 5 years, 28 modern dairy complexes for 30 thousand heads of dairy herds were put into operation. Investments have expanded opportunities for increasing the number of livestock, increasing the genetic potential and gaining an effect in the form of an increase in the productivity of the dairy stock by 44%, which allowed bringing the cash proceeds from milk production up to 25 billion rubles a year. “In the next 2 years, it is planned to put into operation another 24 dairy complexes for 17 thousand cows. The implementation of these projects with an investment volume of about 20 billion rubles will allow the republic to reach the level of 2 million tons of milk per year, ”the speaker noted.

For the technical and technological modernization of the industry, a machine-tractor fleet is being developed. To do this, we use the opportunities of both internal investment and the attraction of additional resources: lending and leasing. Agricultural enterprises purchase equipment worth 5 billion rubles annually, which leads to an increase in the energy supply of the industry: over 5 years, this figure increased by 11 hp. per 100 hectares of arable land, which made it possible to ensure the economic efficiency of agricultural production and the growth of labor productivity over 5 years from 1 million rubles to 2 million rubles. A great incentive for updating the agricultural machinery park is the 60x40 Program.

Since 2016, a major overhaul of machine and tractor park facilities has been launched, providing for co-financing of 30% of costs. Since the beginning of the program, 265 facilities with financial investments of 642 million rubles have been repaired. Bringing the machine and tractor parks in proper condition made it possible to carry out timely and high-quality repair of agricultural machines.

The introduction of digital technologies provides a positive prerequisite for development. New systems are being introduced to maximize yield and minimize costs for organizing the production process. Today, a promising direction is equipping agricultural machinery with satellite navigation equipment. Over 5 years, satellite positioning systems for 4 thousand units of agricultural machinery have been installed. Crop control systems are used to save fuel and increase labor productivity.

Also, to optimize costs and make a profitable investment, technology is being transferred to gas engine fuel. Today, up to 30% of the cost of conversion is subsidized. The agricultural enterprises operate almost 500 compressed natural gas machines.

“An obvious example of farsighted investment in crop production is the introduction of a project to create stationary mortar units. State support in terms of compensation for the cost of equipment reaches 60%. The Ministry announced this project in 2018. To date, more than 100 agricultural enterprises have installed and are effectively using the plant to reduce water hardness and acidity, ”added Marat Zyabbarov.

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