Marat Zyabbarov: The gross output in the industry is expected to be 242 billion rubles, the production index will be 103.6%

7 December 2019, Saturday

The Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov reported today about the remuneration in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Tatarstan at a meeting in the House of Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov held a videoconferencing with all municipal areas.

Marat Zyabbarov finds that for effective business activities it is necessary not only to produce, but also to be able to sell profitably, and it already depends on the quality of the products.

This year for local agricultural producers has become more successful than previous years in terms of achieving effective indicators.

“The gross output is expected to be 242 billion rubles, the production index will be 103.6%,” said the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan. - Receiving cash proceeds from sales of products is expected to grow by 15% compared to last year and will amount to 119 billion rubles. Positive dynamics in the industry’s economy made it possible to increase the average monthly wage by 11% compared to last year. ”

Marat Zyabbarov said that the average monthly wage in the agricultural sector of the republic for 10 months of this year amounted to 26.5 thousand rubles including the food industry. Agriculture - 24.9 thousand rubles, which is 69% of the average for the economy.

In general, among the regions of the Volga Federal District, the republic takes 4th place out of 14 in terms of average monthly wages - ahead of Penza, Mari El, and Mordovia. Moreover, compared with last year, the republic rose by 2 positions.

The main source of increasing added value in the rural economic sector is the increase in labor productivity, and this is the number of manufactured goods per worker.

“Having a cash proceeds per employee of just over 500 thousand rubles in areas such as Agryzsky, Kamsko-Ustinsky, it is impossible to pay 25 thousand rubles monthly, since there are also taxes and expenses for current activities, ”the minister commented.

He also noted a high growth in average wages - 1.5 times compared to last year - in the Muslyumovsky municipal district. The salaries of specialists in the August-Muslim LLC reach 70 thousand rubles per month, machine operators - 36 thousand rubles.

Areas not inferior to the positions and areas without the participation of large investors - such as Atninsky, Baltasinsky, Sabinsky, provide wages also growing dynamically. They are not far behind other areas of the regional economy, which indicates good work with the internal reserves of farms.

“In agriculture, the introduction of digital technologies will give a quick positive effect and stabilize the work in terms of operational accounting, control and increase labor productivity,” said Marat Zyabbarov. He cited as an example the introduction of a digital crop production product at Sovateh LLC in the Vysokogorsky district. The technical capabilities of this product make it possible to optimize costs, control the consumption of fuels and lubricants, seeds, and mineral fertilizers, as a result, the cost of production decreases, which allows to increase the salary of machine operators to 50 thousand rubles per month.

In Arsky district (Vozrozhdenie LLC), a digital program for the organization of animal feeding has been introduced. The salary of the machine operator for the distribution of feed consists of the main part and a bonus, depending on compliance with regulatory requirements and reaches 56 thousand rubles.

“I draw the attention of the representatives of the Spassky, Apastovsky and Rybno-Slobodsky districts - you are already far behind in terms of salary and do not strive for growth at all. In terms of households, the salary picture is even more contrasting; within the district, it reaches a double difference. And at the same time, there is no dynamics among the lagging ones, ”said the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan.

According to him, when developing a wage system, the following principles should be laid down: ensuring that wages are consistent with the nature of the work performed, increasing the prestige of working in the agricultural sector and maintaining staff potential.

In the crop sector, in addition to the main type of remuneration, additional payments of a stimulating and compensating nature are also applied. This approach has effectively applied in the farms of Novosheshminsky and Vysokogorsky districts.

“A decent salary is the best incentive, 100 times more effective than any conviction,” said Marat Zyabbarov.

He recalled that the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan annually holds the contest “The Best Combiner” to raise the prestige of the profession of an agricultural worker, in 2019 the prize fund amounted to 25 million rubles, and the top 500 combine operators were awarded.

For professionals, an annual Competition of Professional Excellence is held annually, 100 best agricultural specialists are awarded in the nominations “Best Livestock Technician”, “Best Agronomist”, “Best Economist” - with a cash bonus of 100 thousand rubles each.

“Of course, the average salary in the industry has not yet reached the national average, but we intend to continue working to bring the salary to the average for the economy, using all available administrative potential,” said Marat Zyabbarov. - To achieve this goal, this week we conducted advanced training courses for economists and accountants. The training program included a course to increase labor productivity, standardize labor processes, improve the wage system. 130 economists of agricultural enterprises of the districts were trained. ”

Such a training program is planned for all economists in the agricultural sector.

Because of the minimum wage change from January 1, 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan will develop recommendations for wages in all industries. This will provide the prerequisites for an increase in wages.

According to the results of the first quarter of 2020, before the start of the spring field work, they will check the recommendations application.

“I ask the heads of districts and farm managers to monitor compliance with and application of these recommendations, given the fact that the Ministry is developing a“ road map ”to amend the procedures for providing state support measures with reference to priority indicators, such as an increase in average wages and prevention of overdue salary arrears. We must jointly control the situation regarding the elimination of the untimely payment of wages, especially on the eve of the New Year holidays, ”said Marat Zyabbarov.

Full speech: http: //

Full video of the speech: http: //


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