AgroSemExpert will help farmers find a suitable batch of seeds for purchase or place their supply proposals

3 December 2019, Tuesday

This was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic Marat Zyabbarov at a meeting in the Government House of Tatarstan. The videoconferencing with all municipal districts was held by the President of the Republic Rustam Minnikhanov.

Reporting on the state of seed production in Tatarstan, Marat Zyabbarov said that in order to prevent the circulation of low-quality seeds, soil control was organized. Specialists of the Russian Agricultural Center take samples from each batch of seeds sown on state plots. The expert commission determines the varietal quality of the crops, and if the seeds do not meet the standard, they are transferred to lower reproduction or the whole batch of seeds is rejected.

“This form of control allows us to push unscrupulous suppliers out of the market, as well as more confidently enter the Russian market with our high-quality seeds,” the minister explained.

This year 404 lots of seeds passed ground control,  11% of which do not meet the quality requirements and these lots of seeds will not be sold. In 2018, according to the results of such an inspection, 406 lots of seeds were rejected (7.9%).

According to Marat Zyabbarov, in Tatarstan today there are 44 seed farms, and they are providing farmers with high-quality seeds of agricultural crops. Many of these are part of the Tatarstan Elite Seeds Association.

“We recommend that farmers purchase only from trusted suppliers,” said Marat Zyabbarov, speaking about the next year's sowing campaign. He also informed that 40% of the cost of original and elite seeds is subsidized from the budget.

In addition, to help agricultural enterprises, the regional branch of the Russian Agricultural Center developed the AgroSemExpert program, which allows farms to "conduct detailed analytics, monitor the quality and quantity of seeds."

In this information system you can find a suitable batch of seeds for purchase and place your proposals for the supply of seeds. And in order to get access to this information platform, it is enough to contact the department of the Rosselkhozcentr branch in the municipal district or register by reference.

The Agrosemexpert program is optimized for use with smartphones and tablets. The system has a quick search for plant varieties included in the "State Register of Breeding Achievements Allowed for Use", which allows you to find out the year of inclusion and the tolerance region of the variety of interest.

Also, since 2018, a group “RSC-Consultant” in WhatsApp has been actively working for operational assistance to the country's farmers. In order to join the group, the farmer or agronomist just needs to write to the administrator on the phone +79274027943.


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