Tatar horses are in the spotlight: The 1st Tatarstan Championship in the national sport “Audarysh” was held in Leninogorsk district

7 October 2019, Monday

On October 5, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the 1st Championship of the Republic of Tatarstan in the national sport “Audarysh” a wrestling on Tatar horses took place. The event was held on the territory of the horse yard "Almakai" (near the village of Upper Karan). The competition was attended by wrestlers from Tukaevsky, Aznakaevsky, Aktanyshsky, Yutazinsky, Bugulminsky, Sabinsky, Rybno-Slobodsky and Leninogorsky municipal regions.

The championship began with demonstrations by guests from the Altai Republic. “I am glad that you are patriotic. I wish your children success in this sport”, said the chief judge of the competition, President of Ethnosport of the Altai Republic Yerbol Yedilbaev.

The main initiator of Audarysh, the director of the Almakai horse yard, Farid Nabiullin, explained the rules of the competition: “Two riders attack each other in order to pull the opponent off the horse. There is one condition - you can only pull on a towel tied to the wrestler’s belt. ”

The representative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, in charge of the competition, Ayrat Khabibullin, explained: “The participants of the championship competed in 4 weight categories. Winners received diplomas, cups and cash awards. ”

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