News from the fields of the Aksubaevsky district: Farmers harvest beets, cherishing every hour

3 October 2019, Thursday

In Tatarstan, the harvesting of sunflower, corn, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables and rapeseed continues in full swing. Sugar beet is distinguished by good productivity, reaching in some areas up to 520 centners per hectare. Among the districts that cultivate this high-margin culture is the Aksubaevsky.

So, on the fields of Aksu Agro LLC now they are harvesting sugar beets. The work of the mechanized link is organized in two shifts. Three beet harvesters are engaged in the excavation. They are managed by the best farm operators Anatoly Ilguzin, Aleksey Kudryashov (winner of the contest Best Combiner of 2018), Irek Mustafin, Rais Gizatullin, Alexey Paydarkin (winner of the contest Best Combiner of 2018) and Alexander Krainov.

Autumn weather does not spoil beet growers, now and then it rains, hindering the course of process. But work continues; farmers keep downtime at a minimum. During the dry weather, a mechanized unit digs up to 75 hectares of the crop daily.

“Despite the difficulties, sugar beet harvesting goes by schedule,” says department head Maulet Sarvartdinov. “The cleaning complex is working at full strength, cherishing every hour.”

In parallel with the excavation, the crop is being shipped to the sugar factory. About forty flights depart daily.

According to operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production of the Republic of Tatarstan, on October 3, 1305 hectares of sugar beets were excavated in Aksubaevsky District, which is 43.1% of the total number of harvesting area, 52.2 thousand tons of beets were accumulated, and the yield is 400 c / ha.

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