Farmers from the Mamadysh district with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan have opened their nursery

23 September 2019, Monday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan pays great attention to the development of small and medium enterprises in rural areas. Today, in every district there are people who have opened their own business with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production of the Republic of Tatarstan. One of them is the Pistsov family from the Mamadysh district. In 2016, well-known gardeners received a grant of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan in the amount of 1.5 million rubles by the republican program “Beginning Farmer” for the cultivation of fruit and berry crops and opened their own business. Today, the peasant farm has its own nursery and agricultural cooperative.

The nursery is open for the second year. For two seasons, a wide assortment of fruit trees and bushes, decorative flowers appeared in it. On an area of 170 hectares (orchards and fields in Birch Meadow Glade and a cherry field in Poikino), everything that grows in the fourth climatic zone and is zoned for winter hardiness.

“We boldly sell everything we have grown, because we know that seedlings will take root in the Mamadysh district and beyond. From decorative flowers to fruiting - we have absolutely everything. Even actinidia colomicta (northern kiwi). Honeysuckle, roses grafted on a stem grow (the bud is located high above the ground) and English park roses, hydrangeas, daisies, and geyhera are our decorative plants. Fruit and berry: pears, apricots, apple trees, plums, cherries, currants, cherry plum. Strawberry has about 30 varieties. “Tuscany” and “Roman” can be planted in cascades in the flower garden. It is not only edible, but also beautiful. Now people want something new and always functional, ”says Oksana Pissova.

Peasant farm of Oksana Viktorovna works mainly with wholesalers, while the farmer not only profits, but she is also ready to help others. She began to operate a cooperative.

“Many farmers, who have 1 hectare of land, collect 300 kilograms of strawberries a day from it. To sell this, you need to go somewhere. And Muscovites, for example, want to buy 1.5 - 2 tons. In this case, it is most convenient to combine the farmers and together satisfy the customer's need. And the cooperatives do that. If you take 300 kilograms of berries from each farmer, you get the right amount. And the manufacturer does not need to do anything extra. We've solved all problems associated with logistics and management. Our work is ongoing year-round. Spring-summer - cultivation, collection, sales and shipment. Winter - search for orders, filling out documentation, paying taxes. 50 tons of strawberries were sold this season, ”the head of the peasant farm shares the results of his work. Oksana Pistsova, with such enthusiasm, with such love, talks about her household that involuntarily imbued with respect for the man who found happiness in work.

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