“Bakcha-2019”: How gardeners of Tatarstan surprised guests of the holiday

21 September 2019, Saturday

In the agricultural park "Kazan" was opened the exhibition "Day of the gardener." The festival of gardeners of the republic is held for the second time on this site, the Deputy Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov and acting Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov participated in it.

“I sincerely congratulate all of you on this holiday. A million residents of Tatarstan are doing this lifestyle. This is a special way of life, which, of course, deserves the best support. What has been done over the past three years by the presidential program and the principle of self-indulgence (and we will continue to strengthen these areas) will contribute to the fact that the gardening of Tatarstan will be strong and powerful, ”Marat Akhmetov addressed the audience.

Thanks to the support of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, gardeners are solving problems with the repair of roads, landscaping, water supply, etc., said Marat Zyabbarov. “I want to say a big thank you to our President, Marat Gotovitch, who introduced this idea and continuing doing this. Many thanks I want to say to everyone for such a wonderful exhibition. Actually, I’m surprised how everything is organized, it's beautiful, clear, ”he said.

The republic has a program to co-finance the costs of garden non-profit partnerships for the repair of internal and external infrastructure. The essence of the program is that for each thousand rubles spent on repairing the state will add another two thousand rubles. In 2019, 83.6 million rubles were allocated for co-financing from the republican budget.

Gardeners are special people, enthusiastic, with an active lifestyle, as RT State Council deputy Valery Vlasov stressed. “All of them are united by a common love for nature, a desire to work on their native land and to ennoble it. Our leadership helps them in this, generously allocating significant financial resources from the republican budget for carrying out programs, ”Vlasov said at the celebration.

Then the guests went around the exhibition, at which different regions of the republic presented their products. Gardeners in each district boasted grown and harvested products: huge pumpkins, onions weighing more than 700 grams, grapes over 50 varieties, apple chips, edible flowers, tea, cheeses and much more. Everyone was greeted with refreshments and a vibrant concert program. In addition, as part of the event, awarding of the best gardeners of Tatarstan also took place there.

The exhibition "Gardener Day 2019" takes place from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the site of the Kazan agricultural park. Citizens will be able to buy agricultural products grown by gardeners, take part in various competitions and master classes.

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