Weekdays of farmers: Chickens from the Yutazinsky district are in demand in Sverdlovsk and the Leningrad region

19 September 2019, Thursday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan pays great attention to the development of small and medium enterprises in rural areas. In 2015 Ilyasov' family from the Yutazinsky district received a grant in the amount of 2 million rubles by the republican program “Creation and Development of a Family Livestock Farm” for 20 thousand laying hens and 3 thousand broilers. They opened their own business. Farmers Ilyasovs are engaged in the sale of live poultry in live weight, and its sale for meat.

“The season of 2019 began back in December 2018. We got the first batch of 60 000 day-old chickens from Germany, then sold them within a hundred of days. Then we bought 12 thousand daily broiler chickens, 7 thousand turkeys and 13 thousand ducklings, delivered in 2 batches, ”says Rafis Ilyasov.

“We analyze and think over the assortment of poultry. This year, the population has a great need for turkey, so next year we plan to increase the volume of purchases. We dream of our own incubator',  Leniz Ilyasov shares his plans.

For each farmer, the issue of selling grown products is important, but the Ilyasovs found a way out of the situation. They purchase daily poultry in bulk and, after rearing until a certain period, also sell it in bulk. Wholesale poultry is acquired by wholesalers from Kemerovo, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, the Leningrad Region, as well as from other regions of Russia.

Recall that the republican program "Development of family livestock farms on the basis of peasant farms in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2017-2020" allows participants to win a grant of up to 30 million rubles. At the expense of these funds, it is possible to carry out construction, reconstruction and modernization of premises, purchase machinery and equipment, farm animals.


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