A book on the Tatar breed of horses was published with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan

17 September 2019, Tuesday

The story of how the Tatar breed of horses was revived in the republic can be found in the book, published with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan in Tatar language.

In December of last year, the State Commission of the Russian Federation for the testing and protection of breeding achievements included the Tatar breed of horses in the Federal State Register. This was the result of work on the revival of the breed, which was carried out over the past 8 to 10 years. Tatar horses are our national pride, ”said Marat Akhmetov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan and Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The State Counselor of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mintimer Shaimiev, also tells about his love for horses in an introduction to the book, and also shares memories from the history of his family, which is inextricably linked with these noble animals.

The authors of the book are Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Biology, Genetics and Animal Breeding Ravil Khaertdinov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Nazip Khazipov, Leading Advisor to the Meat Production Sector of the Department for Development of Livestock Sectors of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan Airat Khabibullin, Head of the State Public Agricultural University of Pedigree Breeding in Livestock Production of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Rishat Zaripov and others. The book contains unique material about the history of Tatar horses, the features of breeding and keeping the breed. The work describes in detail the main pedigree features of Tatar horses: exterior, color, constitution, productive qualities and endurance.

Note that the horses of the Tatar breed are already gaining fame: they participate in the Sabantuy National Day, horse races, win prizes and even act in films. So, in the film “Zuleikha opens her eyes”, which will be released soon, the main character will come to the Kremlin on a horse of the Tatar breed.

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