Head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov on autumn tillage: fall tillage is the foundation for the future harvest

14 September 2019, Saturday

In the Republic of Tatarstan today there are 4.2 million tons were threshed, the average yield is 29.9 c / ha. This was announced at the republican meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov.

Tatarstan Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin held a video conference with all municipal areas.

As the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan noted, due to the weather, the current week allowed to remove significant areas of grain. In the republic,15 thousand hectares without corn are left to harvest. Marat Akhmetov summed up the preliminary results of the early spring.

So far, the Zainsky district has the highest grain yield this year - 40.1 c / ha with a threshing capacity of 152 thousand tons. Today, the Tukaevsky district also has 40 c / ha.

Another 8 districts have yields of more than 35 kg / ha, of which more than 39 kg / ha are the results of Aktanyshsky and Mamadyshsky districts, more than 37 kg / ha - Menzelinsky and Tetyushsky districts.

Marat Akhmetov said that 25 districts have yields below the national average. The lowest productivity is at Agryzsky district- 14.7c / ha, Zelenodolsky's productivity is 16.3 c / ha.

The Kama-Ustinsky, Almetyevsky, Alkeevsky, Novosheshminsky, Verkhneuslonsky and Alekseevsky districts also have very modest indicators. Although in general the weather conditions in the republic did not differ much, there is a difference in yield.

“The task of agricultural producers this winter is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the results and develop an adapted technology taking into account the omissions of the current year,” said Marat Akhmetov. Since 2020, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture has introduced a new form of support - stimulating. For this article, 1.6 billion rubles are allocated to us, and according to its status, those farms that have indicators no lower than the national average will receive it. In order to avoid misunderstanding in the spring, I ask that this information be brought to all agricultural enterprises of the regions, especially to farmers. ”

In parallel with the harvesting of grain with some delay in the republic they are harvesting rapeseed. To date, 21% of 104.6 thousand hectares have been harvested, the yield is 11.4 kg / ha. Rapeseed this year was the most problematic in terms of pest protection. Some areas had to be processed 4-5 times, especially against cabbage moths.

According to the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, despite serious costs, the profitability of the culture will be good. He said that today they are offering a price of over 23 thousand rubles / ton, but this is not a limit price.

Also, sugar beet harvesting continues in the fields. Of the 16 beet-growing regions of the republic, only 5 districts did not start harvesting. To date, 12.4 thousand hectares have been dug, or 19% of the plan; 538 thousand tons were accumulated; productivity is 434 kg / ha, with 63 kg / ha more than the previous year (in 2018 - 371.3 kg / ha).

The leaders in sugar beet productivity are Tetyushsky, Zainsky and Tukaevsky districts, they have more than 470 c / ha.

According to Marat Akhmetov, 290 thousand tons of beets were transported to the plants, all three plants are working and reached the planned processing capacity - over 15.1 thousand tons of beets per day.

20.1 thousand tons of sand were produced (+2.5 thousand tons by 2018).

“This year, sugar beets are not bad,” the minister said. “We hope to collect at least 2.6 million tons of sweet roots with an increase of about 25% by 2018.”

Speaking about autumn tillage, Marat Akhmetov emphasized: autumn tillage is the laying of the foundation for the future harvest. This year, its area is 2 million hectares. So far, about 60% of the harvested area, or 770 thousand ha, has been treated.

“Given the potential of technology, 50 thousand hectares per day are processed. While the average is only 30 thousand hectares,” the minister said. - We are able to completely open the fields liberated from grain crops. With any technology, every 3 years we have to deepen the soil, i.e. annually 700 thousand ha. So we can open the reserves of the crop. "

Marat Akhmetov also cited data on a number of farms that have grown large crops.

LLC Tsilna of the Drozhzhanovsky district, which annually deepens the arable layer as much as possible, completed grain harvesting by August 26, with a yield of 51 c / ha.

With a deepening of up to 32 cm, the farms of Makhmutov in the same area also worked on the whole arable land, with a yield of 40 kg / ha, while on farms where this method was not carried out, there were only 20-22 kg / ha.

Of the 56 thousand hectares of agricultural enterprises in the Zainsky district, 70% of the main processing was carried out with deepening. The district finished harvesting with the highest yield in the republic of 40.1 c / ha.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan turned to the heads of municipal districts and farm managers: harvesting is coming to an end, vacated machine operators need to be mobilized for chilling and idle units must be used, and this is more than 2 thousand tillage tools.

Marat Akhmetov also reminded that starting today, agricultural fairs have begun, they will be held weekly on Saturdays until December 28.

According to him, as in previous years, 15 sites are involved in Kazan, two in Naberezhnye Chelny and two in Zelenodolsky district. Products at agricultural markets will be sold cheaper by 20-25% than in retail chains.

The Minister appealed to the heads of municipal districts with a request to keep the bar for organizing fairs high, as in previous years. “Compensation of costs and encouragement of agricultural producers this year will also continue,” he recalled.

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