The winners of the competition among agricultural cooperatives for receiving grants of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan are determined

4 September 2019, Wednesday


The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan determined the winners of an additional competitive selection for the development grants (the material and technical base of agricultural consumer cooperatives). The total amount of grants is 211 million 856 thousand rubles, 122 million 877 thousand rubles of which were allocated from the federal budget.

6 agricultural producers became grant holders. These are the cooperatives Faiza (Muslyumovsky district), Tulpar and May (Baltasinsky district), Soyuz (Arsky district), Alan (Nizhnekamsk district) and Zagotovitel (Laishevsky district). Grant funds will be directed by agricultural cooperatives to implement projects for processing cattle meat, milk, vegetables, harvesting and processing berries, fruits, and wild plants.

The aim of supporting agricultural consumer cooperations is to improve the quality of life of the rural population through the widespread introduction of technologies, which allows not only to fully provide the population of the Russian Federation with self-produced food, increase their employment and incomes, but also turn domestic agricultural producers into competitive food suppliers for regional, national and world markets. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan congratulates grant recipients and wishes success in the implementation of projects.

The ministry ensures control over the correct spending of funds by grant recipients and draws attention to the fact that the grants provided must be returned within sixty days when revealing the facts of using for improper purposes and (or) providing false information and documents for receiving them .

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