Marat Akhmetov signed a Memorandum on the creation of an international scientific and production cluster

12 August 2019, Monday

Today, in the Zelenodolsk region, a zone seminar-meeting was held on improving the business activity of the villagers, which was attended by the heads of districts and rural settlements, heads of private farms, family farms and agricultural cooperatives. The traditional meeting with farmers was the third in August this year, the first two were held in the Tyulyachinsky and Aksubaevsky districts, the final one will be held in the Tukaevsky district. Chairman of the State Council Farid Mukhametshin emphasized that this communication format allows to exchange experiences and get acquainted with advanced farms and private farmsteads of the republic.

In addition, the meetings raise urgent problems of private household plots, which can be resolved directly on the spot, since the seminars are attended by the heads of relevant ministries and departments, representatives of the banking sector, and heads of municipalities. Zonal seminars and meetings to increase the business activity of villagers in the republic have been held since 2010. Twice a year, deputies of the State Council together with the Ministry meet with farmers and discuss emerging issues, then resolve them through state support programs. The main result of such support is that private farmsteads and farmers produce more than half (54%) of the total agricultural output per year.

Traditionally, before the meeting with a farm asset, the event participants visited a number of agricultural enterprises of the region and talked with the heads of private farms and peasant farms. In particular, the head of the republic’s parliament visited the Tat.yagoda and Yagodnaya Dolina farms, peasant farm I.R. Sitdikova and B.T. Ziganshina, LPH I.G. Mukhametzyanova.

The Tat.yagoda company began to grow strawberries this year. Today it is already a strong economy working by Dutch technology in closed ground conditions. 12 million rubles of own investments have already been allocated in the production of berries. Farmers consider the first year of work successful - from one bush they collect from 500 to 700 grams. Estimated yield is 25 tons.

Bulat Ziganshin is head of the farm in the village of Bolshie Yaki, Zelenodolsk district. He is engaged in poultry farming and the manufacture of animal feed. Five years ago, he received a grant by the program of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan "Development of family livestock farms." Now the farmer has more than 13 thousand heads of turkey.

Ilnur Mukhametzyanov is engaged in the cultivation of cattle, sale of milk. He was helped to open his own farm by the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan for the construction of a mini-farm and a subsidy for the construction of a house by the program "Social Development of the Village". Today the economy of Ilnur Mukhametzyanov has 20 cows.

As Farid Mukhametshin noted, there are more and more such examples of farming, business activity in the countryside in the republic every year. Repeatedly, as an example, he mentioned the Indyuzhina agricultural firm of Ilnur Madyarov. It is the leader of the Tatarstan market for the production of meat and turkey products. The well-known Zelenodolsky farmer also started small. “More than half of the agricultural output falls on farm workers,” the head of the parliament of the republic emphasized, “our task is to support them through grant and leasing forms.”

According to the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, Marat Akhmetov, the determining factor in the development of private farms is acceptable purchase prices for agricultural products. Another tool for preserving living creatures in the courtyard is rent for unit lands. Its recommended size is 750 rubles / ha. Marat Akhmetov urged the heads of settlements to adhere to this particular value, since it was approved by the Security Council. According to the head of the ministry, the development of a cooperative movement is quite perspective.

Traditionally, the plenary session continued in the question-answer mode.

Today, a Memorandum on the creation of the international scientific-production cluster “Applied Biotechnology for Agriculture” was signed. The document was signed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic, Kazan Veterinary Academy, the company "Biovector", the Belarusian company "Center for Innovation" and four agricultural farms of Tatarstan. “The main goal is to get environmentally friendly meat and plants, that is, we strive for the health of the nation,” commented Rafael Gainutdinov, head of Biovector LLC.

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