Russian producers of oil and fat products increased exports by 21%.

2 August 2019, Friday

This was announced at a meeting at the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, which was chaired by Deputy Minister Oksana Lut. The development of the oil and fat industry was discussed. The meeting participants stated that the products of this industry are one of the key positions in Russian food exports. In accordance with the passport of the federal project "Export of agricultural products", its supply to foreign markets will increase to $ 8.6 billion by 2024.

It should be noted that in the structure of export of food products and agricultural raw materials from Tatarstan, the largest share falls on oil and fat products. “These products are the main driver of growth in export of agricultural products of the republic,” said Anatoly Nikitin, deputy head of the food market development department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production of the Republic of Tatarstan.

According to him, the Ministry has determined the estimated volumes of food exports in 2019. “According to the forecast indicators of the passport of the regional export development program in the country for the period 2019-2024, this year it is planned to export Tatarstan's agricultural products for $ 308.1 million, including oil and fat products for $ 232 million,” said Anatoly Nikitin.

JSC Kazan Oil Extraction Plant, JSC Nefis-Bioproduct, JSC Essen Production AG are among the largest companies of the republic supplying agricultural products abroad.

As previously reported, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia set a target to double agricultural exports in the Republic of Tatarstan by 2024.

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