Marat Akhmetov: In Tatarstan15 thousand hectares of space are harvested

27 July 2019, Saturday

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov reported at the meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan about the start of the harvesting campaign in Tatarstan today.

The meeting in the form of videoconferencing was held by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Rustam Nigmatullin.

Marat Akhmetov reported that Tatarstan farmers are actively starting to harvest grain. 21 areas have already joined this work. To date, 15 thousand hectares have been harvested in the republic, 51 thousand tons of grain have been harvested. The average yield is 33.5 c / ha. Over 1 thousand hectares were removed by Nurlatsky, Spassky, Zainsky and Alkeevsky areas.

The minister noted that this week the acceptance of the grain-harvesting complex was completed in all regions. “Full readiness of equipment was noted in Atninsky, Arsk, Aktanyshsky, Baltasinsky, Zainsky, Sabinsky, Kukmorsky, Mamadyshsky, Sarmanovsky, Tukayevsky, Yutazinsky districts. The combines of the “Red East” are well prepared in Zelenodolsk, Alkeyevsky and Verkhneuslonsky districts, ”said Marat Akhmetov.

In Tatarstan, it is planned to use 3.4 thousand combines in the harvesting campaign. The average load per unit of equipment is 470 hectares; however, in a number of farms it reaches 1 thousand hectares. “We need to clean the bread in a month. This is possible when organizing two-shift work. Therefore, we recommend completing the machines with two combine-operators".

He also called on farm managers to develop measures of material incentives for advanced combiners, machine operators and drivers. In most areas, such incentive measures have already been taken.

In conclusion, Marat Akhmetov discussed the African swine fever. According to the minister, this issue is becoming increasingly relevant for owners of the head of the republic. Thus, for the current month, a dangerous virus was registered in the Nizhny Novgorod and Ulyanovsk regions.

“These foci are located only 120-140 km away from the western and southern borders of our republic. I ask you to work out all the questions with the population and hunting users on the measures of protection. Address the population, warn that now all owners of pigs need to limit visiting of large forests. We can bring this virus through grass, berries, and mushrooms to households, ”added Marat Akhmetov.

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