From 14 to 18 August in Kazan will be held the fair of natural products

24 July 2019, Wednesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan invites you to the First Specialized Exhibition of Food Products “Fair of Natural Products”, which will be held from 14 to 18 August 2019 in the territory of the exhibition center “Kazan Fair”.

The exhibition will feature the following thematic sections: farm products, organic food, meat and poultry, fish and meat delicacies, convenience foods, dairy products, cheeses, desserts, pastries, dried mushrooms and berries, honey and bee products, nuts and dried fruits, proper nutrition, food delivery.

Farmers, meat processing plants, cheese factories, dairies, bakery and confectionery plants, enterprises of the fish industry, producers of juices, water, tea, coffee can take part in the exhibition.

The Fair of Natural Products will allow solving several significant tasks at once: bring the goods to a new market, get profitable business proposals, set up new distribution channels, sell products from the stand and carry out direct sales to the target consumer, research the market and evaluate competitors.

Attending the event will be interesting to all residents and guests of Kazan, food retailers to expand the product range of their outlets, as well as all manufacturers to explore the market. To apply for participation and get a free ticket to the exhibition please click here.


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