Meetings on livestock issues were held during the event

3 July 2019, Wednesday

Today, the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, Nikolay Titov, and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, Nazip Hazipov, held round tables with livestock specialists in the framework of the 2019 Field Day business program in Tatarstan.

Opening the round table on dairy cattle breeding, Nazip Hazipov said: “Last month, for the first time, the republic crossed the milestone of 4,000 tons in milk production.” He also named the areas that made a significant contribution to this achievement. Among them are Atninsky, Kukmorsky and Baltasinsky districts. “They confidently keep the gross daily milk yield at more than 200 tons of milk per day during the year”.

It should be noted that dairy cattle breeding is one of the priorities of the agro-industrial complex of Tatarstan and, thanks to the implementation by the Ministry of measures to support the production and sale of milk in the republic, positive results are noted. Tatarstan leads in terms of production and sales of marketable milk among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The participants also discussed genetic selection, reproduction efficiency, technology of feeding and housing of livestock, various breeds of cows for dairy cattle breeding, as well as a number of other issues most relevant to the industry.

Further, the participants continued to work together with the director of the Union of Milk Producers of the Republic of Tatarstan Denis Pirogov. He spoke about the challenges and opportunities for the development of the dairy industry in Tatarstan for 2019-2024, the dynamics of the purchase prices for milk and taking measures to balance the dairy market.

As part of the business program, a round table on beef cattle was also held, which brought together agricultural economists. The participants reviewed reproduction problems, the issues of cost accounting in cattle breeding, and especially the feeding and maintenance of livestock. The participants of the event were farmers engaged in beef cattle breeding, among whom was a guest from America, John Ascoe. He shared his experience and plans for the construction of feedlots in Aktanysh district of Tatarstan. Speaking about the advantages of the region, he noted the presence of a good fodder base in Tatarstan for beef cattle breeding.

At the end of the event, they summed up the results of a competition among agricultural economists. The first place was taken by Gulnara Nasyrova from the agricultural firm “Renaissance”, who showed a high level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Zulfiya Kutdusova from Nurkeevo agrofirm took 2nd place, and Ayna Gaynullina from Zavolzhye Primary Industrial Labor Prize took 3rd place.

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