Today Tatarstan first crossed the mark of 4,000 tons of milk produced per day

25 June 2019, Tuesday

On June 25, the Republic of Tatarstan for the first time crossed the mark of 4,000 tons for milk production per day. The Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Nazip Hazipov announced this today at a working meeting with the agricultural departments of the districts.

The Deputy Minister congratulated all the livestock breeders of the republic on this significant republican event, and also noted the regions that made a significant contribution to this achievement. Among them there are Atninsky, Kukmorsky and Baltasinsky districts. “They confidently keep the gross daily milk yield at over 200 tons of milk per day during the year, and will receive republican grants for the development of agriculture and the construction of new facilities in their districts,” Nazip Hazipov was pleased with the leaders.

According to operational data, today 277 tons of milk are produced in Kukmorsky district per day, in Baltasinsky - 258 tons of milk, and in Atninsky - 219 tons of milk. These areas have a high milk yield per cow, it is from 22.5 to 27.1 kg.

"Also last week, Aktanysh district became the fourth region producing more than 200 tons of milk per day," said Nazip Hazipov.

It should be noted that dairy cattle breeding is one of the priorities of the agro-industrial complex of Tatarstan and, thanks to the implementation by the Ministry of measures to support the production and sale of milk in the republic, positive results are noted. Tatarstan leads in terms of production and sales of marketable milk among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The operational information about milk yield and milk sales in the Republic of Tatarstan can be found on our website in the “Operational Information” section.

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