In the Baltasin schools they will create specialized agricultural classes

5 June 2019, Wednesday

Last week, the Kazan Agrarian University, together with the Education Department of the Baltasinsky District, held a meeting on organizing joint work on vocational guidance and preparing pupils for entering the Agrarian University. The meeting resulted in the signing of a cooperation agreement between schools and the Kazan Agrarian University.

The event was attended by Nail Khamidullin, Head of the Department of Science, Education and Innovative Technologies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan, Bulat Ziganshin, First Vice-Rector and Vice-Rector for Educational Work of KSU, Guzel Fassakhova, Head of the Center for Pre-University Education and Employment of Graduates of the KSAU, and Head of the Municipal University of Management of Baltasinsky district executive committee Aliya Zakiyeva.

“The organization and opening of university classes is our main project in the republic. We hope that this will contribute to early vocational guidance in agronomy, operation of agricultural machinery, the economy, gardening and beekeeping, ”said Nail Khamidullin.

The objectives of the teamwork are to give students real knowledges in relevant disciplines, the development of skills in independent cognitive activity and motivation for research activities, as well as preparation for solving problems.

Classes will be held in 10 schools of the Baltasinsky district by school teachers and university teachers after school hours. The program of specialized classes includes in-depth study of physics, mathematics, biologics, social studies, landscape design, automation of technological processes, and modern technologies in agriculture. As part of the training, it is planned to organize classes during the holidays, where children will be able to listen to lectures on agronomy, gardening, ecology, operation of agricultural machinery, etc.

It should be noted that the subject teachers also underwent advanced training at the Kazan State Agrarian University under the programs for the operation of agricultural machinery and agronomy.

During the meeting, the participants visited a museum, classrooms, a training and demonstration center, a landscape design center and a modern center for agri-environmental research at the university.

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