The Russian government approved the state program "Integrated development of rural areas"

5 June 2019, Wednesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan reports that the Government of the Russian Federation has adopted the state program for the period up to and including 2025, developed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation.

Recall that the State Program provides the implementation of measures aimed at improving the welfare and employment of the rural population, maintaining its share in the total population of the country, creating comfortable living conditions, including developing water supply and drainage systems, communications and telecommunications, increasing the level of gasification, and improving the quality of road infrastructure.

The state program provides the introduction of new concessional lending instruments for the purchase and construction of housing in rural areas at a rate of up to 3%, consumer lending for the purchase of engineering equipment to improve the arrangement of rural households at a rate of up to 5%, as well as lending for the creation of engineering and transport infrastructure facilities and connection to them at a rate of up to 5%.This will help in creation of new jobs in the countryside.

The activities are actual for all residents of rural settlements, regardless of the type of their professional activity. In this case, they will be the main beneficiaries of the activities and projects of the program.

“The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia has done a lot of work on the preparation of the State Program, we analyzed the condition of 133 thousand rural settlements, where more than 37 million people live. The active position of the public, business and government will be necessary during the implementation of the state program, as proposals for the most of projects for small settlements are formed locally, ”said Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev.

The state program starts in 2020 - in February, the Ministry of Agriculture plans to set the final agreements with the subjects of the Russian Federation, taking into account the necessary measures and the amount of their funding.

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