People of Labor: The farmer of the Bavlinsky District, who achieved high results in the cultivation of corn

1 June 2019, Saturday

Today, the hero of our “People of Labor” rubric is Zaydullin Hamit Valievich, who worked many years as a simple tractor driver of the Bavlinsky state farm.

Khamit Valievich was born on May 12, 1934 in the village of Suermetovo, Ermekeevsky district of Bashkortostan. When Hamit Valievich was ten years old, his family moved to the Bavlinsky district of Tatarstan. Khamit grew up in the family of a grain-grower, and did not imagine his future otherwise.

The times were hard, after graduating from 7 classes of the school he began to work. Hamit Valievich began his career as a tractor driver of the Bavlinsky state farm in the Bavly District of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1952 he began working as an assistant of the combine operator. A year later, he successfully completed courses for tractor drivers.

Khamit Zaydullin each year sought to obtain high yields of green mass, introducing a set of advanced agricultural practices used in the region and the republic in the cultivation of corn. On the area of 154 hectares in 1963, he managed to get 520 centners of green mass of corn per hectare, in1964 - 510 centners per hectare, in 1965, unfavorable climatic conditions - 410 centners per hectare with an average yield of 208 centners and 101 centners in the district. The price of one centner of green mass of corn in 1963 was 26 kopecks, at the state farm - 83 kopecks, in 1964 - 28 and 43 respectively, in 1965 - 39 and 65 kopecks.

The high yield of corn allowed the state farm for the last 3 years of the seven-year plan to lay silage for the winter in the amount of 150% of the demand, which affected the productivity of livestock. Over the years, milk yield per cow increased by 490 kilograms. In 1965, they had 2409 kilograms of milk, which is 391 kilograms more than in average in the district.

Working on an MTZ tractor, Hamit Zaydullin achieved high production and economic indicators. So, in 1965, the tractor output amounted to 1010 hectares of soft plowing, fuel economy - 600 kilograms and economy on spare parts about 170 rubles.

Army service hardened the character of Hamit. After that he continued to work on the state farm fields. His tractor was always in service. In field cultivation all agricultural practices should be carried out qualitatively, in a short time. As the new agrotechnology came to agriculture, advanced experience was introduced, Hamit Valievich felt the urgent need to replenish knowledge.

Hamit Zaydullin at the age of 34 went to the evening school. Since 1962, the team, which was led by Hamit Valievich, began to cultivate corn.

In 1963, Zaydullin became one of the first drummers of communist labor at the Bavlinsky state farm. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 23, 1966, for success achieved in increasing the production and harvesting of wheat, rye, buckwheat, other grain and fodder crops and high-performance use of technology, Hamit Valievich was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor with the award of the Order of Lenin and the gold medal.

So the country noted the glorious work of the corn farmer, who managed to achieve a record result for those times - to get about 400 centners of green mass from each of the 142 hectares assigned to the link.

Hamit Valievich had a hard time working in the fields, and also had time to actively engage in social work at the state farm and district. He was a delegate of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU.

In 1967, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, his name entered the anniversary republican book of Honor.

Until his retirement, he continued to work devotedly in his native state farm. Now Khamit Valievich is no longer with us, but the good memory of him lives in the hearts of his fellow villagers.


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