In Tatarstan, exports of agricultural products increased by 4%

22 May 2019, Wednesday

In January-March of the current year, Tatarstan exported products of the agro-industrial complex for $ 36.8 million. “This is $ 1.4 million or 4% more than for the same period in 2018,” said Dmitry Yashin, head of the food market development department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, reminding that targets for increasing the volume of exports from the republic of agricultural products were doubled - to $ 360 million by 2024.

A draft for the development of exports of agricultural products was also prepared in the republic, a list of exported products and a forecast export volume for 2019 for large enterprises of the industry were compiled.

“This year it is supposed to export products for $ 308.1 million,” said Dmitry Yashin.

At the same time, it is expected that a significant part of deliveries abroad will be fat-and-oil products - according to the department’s calculations, it will be exported for $ 232.0 million.

In addition, this year it is planned to export cereals to the foreign markets  for 16.8 million dollars, meat and milk - for 4.5 million, finished products - for 19.4 million, other products - for 35.4 million dollars, added Dmitry Yashin

Today, the products of the republic's agro-industrial complex are supplied to dozens of countries near and far abroad. Among the major exporters of these products are JSC Kazan Oil Extraction Plant, JSC Nefis-Bioprodukt, JSC Essen Production AG, JSC Tatkrahmalpatoka, JSC Tatspirtprom and a number of other companies.

We remind that the Russian agro-industrial complex is facing the task of ensuring the export of domestic agricultural products at the level of $ 45 billion a year by 2024. The federal project “Export of products of the agro-industrial complex” implemented in the country provides an increase in the volume of deliveries of products abroad twice in the next few years.

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