The Competence Center forms a catalog of agricultural products produced by farmers and agricultural cooperatives to organize assistance in its implementation.

21 May 2019, Tuesday

On May 20, a round table “Effective partnership: city and village” was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan, organized by the center of competence for the development of agricultural cooperation in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Department for the Development and Support of Entrepreneurship of the Chamber of Commerce. The meeting was held in by the business forum "Spring Business Week RT-2019". The event was attended by the organizers of Internet sites selling agricultural products, representatives of the IFC, agricultural consumer cooperatives interested in promoting and selling their products.

During the event, those present could familiarize themselves with the electronic platforms of the Digital Artel AGRARIUM, Digital Village and Plantation Station for the sale of agricultural products.

Digital artel AGRARIUM represents the creation of an electronic agro-industrial park. To participate in the platform, the producer of agricultural products can register a personal account and create his own product catalog.

The electronic platform “Digital Village” helps villagers to become couriers, use urban goods and services to villagers, and manufacturers receive a cashback for selling goods. Today, the Digital Village project operates in 13 villages of the Rybno-Slobodsky district, with an average population of less than 500 people.

The Plantation Station project, which is based on products for proper nutrition, allows buyers to purchase farm products without leaving their homes, and farmers and agricultural producers to sell their products without unnecessary risks. This is Russia's first marketplace for small industries.

Further, Ilnur Khabibullin, Director of State Budget Institution “Competence Center for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in the Republic of Tatarstan” spoke about the goals and objectives of the center. He noted that the Competence Center deals with the implementation of organizational measures for the creation and development of the infrastructure of agricultural cooperatives and small business forms, as well as assistance in the implementation of government programs.

Currently, the Competence Center is forming a catalog of agricultural products to organize an assistance in product sales.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that those who wish can apply to the state-funded institution “Center of Competences for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in the Republic of Tatarstan” by calling (843) 221-77-40, the website tskskrt.rf.

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