The head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan visited Verkhneuslonsky, Kamsko-Ustyinsky, Apastovsky and Kaibitsky districts of Tatarstan

2 May 2019, Thursday

Today, Marat Akhmetov, despite a day off and a storm warning familiarized himself with the course of spring field work in Verkhne-Uslonsky, Kamsko-Ustyinsky, Apastovsky and Kaibitsky districts of Tatarstan.

After inspecting the fields, Marat Akhmetov met with the head of each of the districts, heads of farms, farmers and heads of rural settlements, spoke about the implementation of state programs to support agricultural producers and answered questions from managers and specialists of agricultural organizations.

The situation associated with the partial death of winter crops is under special control. Due to high daytime temperatures, an early process of growing plants began with an intensive growth of green mass. However, negative nighttime temperatures and frost on the soil had an adverse effect.

The state of winter crops has become one of the main topics of discussion in the regions. In Verkhneuslonsky district, the loss of winter crops was 23%, in Kamsko-Ustyinsky reached 72%, in Apastovsky - 30%. The highest percentage of winter crops among the areas inspected today was in the Kaibitsky region, it was 77%. These areas require reseeding, which means investing additional forces and means. However, without a good rain it will not give the desired results, according to the villagers. “The most important thing now is an increase in moisture in the soil,” they say.

Dry and windy weather has settled in the republic. The moisture in the fields is decreasing every day, therefore spring sowing has begun and is in full swing. The Ministry recommends organizing work in two shifts. In the Verkhneuslonsky district it is planned to sow 17.1 thousand, in the Kamsko-Ustyinsky district - 26.1 thousand hectares, in Apastovsky - 33.9 thousand hectares and 29.9 thousand hectares in Kaibitsky. Sowing in the areas plan to complete by May 9-10.


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