Since the beginning of 2019 20 agricultural cooperatives have been established in Tatarstan

30 April 2019, Tuesday

This was announced on April 29 at a press conference at the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan by Alexander Molokin, head of the department for the development of small business forms at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In total, 260 agricultural cooperatives operate in the republic, the speaker said. “In 2018, 64 cooperatives were established, and in the first quarter of this year, already 20 cooperatives. The main goal is to achieve effective work in terms of product sales."

According to Molokin, out-of-town meetings were held in four districts of the republic, at which the heads of rural settlements expressed concern regarding the sale of products. “At the same time, the majority of the heads of the settlements see opportunities to increase the production of agricultural products while creating appropriate conditions. The ministry sees the greatest reserves in the development of agricultural coоperation, ”he noted.

Since 2015, 33 cooperatives have received grants for development, and since last year, grants to beginning cooperatives have been allocated from the republican budget. "In 2018, they have been received by 11 cooperatives," - he said.

“We are pinning great hopes on the implementation of the federal project “Creating a system of supporting farmers and developing rural cooperation” until 2024. The main emphasis in it is just on the development of cooperation. The national project includes grant support for farmers. This is the so-called agro-startup. There are two types of support - 3 million and 4 million rubles each. As well as the provision of subsidies for the development of cooperatives up to 30 million rubles, reimbursement of up to 50% of the costs of purchasing livestock and equipment, ”concluded Molokin.

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