Horticultural and gardening partnerships should pay attention

23 April 2019, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan informs horticultural and gardening non-profit partnerships that licensing wells to use subsoil for the purpose of extracting groundwater is a mandatory procedure. The need to obtain a license for a water well is enshrined in current legislation (the law of the Russian Federation of 21.02.1992 No. 2395-1 “On Subsoil”). The granting of subsurface resources is issued by a special state permit in the form of a license, and the use of a water well for the purpose of extracting groundwater is the subsoil use.

Currently, in the Republic of Tatarstan, subsoil users have issued 1,217 licenses for the right to use subsoil for the purpose of extracting underground water.

The list of documents for the right to use a subsoil block of local importance for the purposes of household water supply to horticultural non-commercial partnerships and (or) garden non-commercial partnerships is determined by Article 35.8.2. Law of RT "On Subsoil" dated 11.30.2018 No. 95-ЗРТ:

1. Application to issue a license for the right to use subsoil resources; 

2. Statute;

3. An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs);

4. A copy of certificate of registration of a legal entity;

5. A copy of the certificate of registration of the applicant with the tax authority, indicating the taxpayer identification number;

6. A certificate from the tax authorities about the presence or absence of arrears in the payment of taxes and fees (water tax on a quarterly basis until the 20th day);

7. Document on the payment of state duty for the provision of a license for the use of subsoil (enters into force on January 1, 2020 (clause 3 of Article 2 of the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 95-ZRT of November 30, 2014);

8. A copy of the topographic plan of the subsoil plot of local significance provided for use (in triplicate);

9. Information on a subsoil block of local value provided for use, containing information on a subsoil block of local value provided for use shall contain:

- information on the use of water treatment systems (if any);

- water intake scheme, geographic coordinates of wells located in the subsoil area;

- information on the design and purpose of wells located on the subsoil plot;

- characteristic of operation mode of the water intake structure;

- information on available means of accounting and control over the quantity and quality of produced groundwater;

- justification of the possibility of extraction of groundwater in the amount of the stated need for the subsoil plot.

10. A copy of the water well's passport;

11. Calculate and substantiate the declared volume of groundwater production;

12. A copy of the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of a water body with the sanitary rules and conditions of safe water use. For technical water supply - information on the chemical composition of groundwater from the well according to laboratory testing protocols of a certified laboratory.

The documents stipulated by clauses 3 and 6 are requested by the management body of the state subsoil fund independently, if the applicant has not submitted the said documents on his own initiative. Copies of the documents must be certified in the prescribed manner or presented with the originals to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan by the address: Kazan, Pavlyukhin str., 75, office 344, telephone for consultation (843) 267-68 -68.

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