The ministry announced the collection of design estimates for co-financing of work on the repair of internal facilities of the SNT

30 April 2019, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan reminds that the republic has a program to co-finance the expenditures of the CNT for the repair of internal infrastructure. In 2018, the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 12.20.2018 No. 1185 approved the procedure for granting subsidies for the repair of internal objects of the CNT by reimbursement of expenses in the ratio of 1: 2. The essence of the program is that, for example, for every thousand rubles spent SNT for a, the state will add another two thousand rubles.

Since 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with the relevant ministries, has been working to bring the external and internal engineering infrastructure of horticultural and gardening non-commercial partnerships, including roads, water supply facilities and the electric grid, to the regulatory state. In 2018, 32.3 million rubles were allocated from the republican budget to co-finance the repair of the internal infrastructure of horticultural and gardening non-profit partnerships at a ratio of 1: 2. The costs of the reconstruction and laying of 6.5 km of water supply, replacement of poles and power supply 31 km lines were reimbursed and also one transformer was purchased.

The Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov called for more active participation in the co-financing program at the conference of the Union of Gardeners of Tatarstan.

Horticultural partnerships wishing to participate in the programs for the repair of internal engineering infrastructure (power lines, water supply systems and internal roads) may apply to the Ministry. Today, work on the collection of design and estimate documentation for the said works in 2019,including the inner alleys, has begun. Documents are accepted at the address: Kazan, st. Fedoseevskaya, d. 36, kab.313., Tel. (843) 292-27-73.

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