People of Labor: Livestock Breeder from the Arsky District, who gained respect by her diligence and responsibility

22 April 2019, Monday

Today, the heroine of our column “People of Labor”, in which we write about ordinary people who have gained honor and respect with their work, Galimova Dania Hadizyanovna, who has worked as a simple livestock breeder for many years.

Dania Galimova was born on June 29, 1932 in the village of Mirzam, Arsk District. She inherited her character from her mother. She raised juvenile brothers - orphans, who, having reached the age of 16-18, left to the Civil War and never returned. Dania had a difficult childhood, it was in the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War.

Like all children of those years, Dania Khadizyanovna had to join the work early. In 1947 a 15-year-old girl was already assigned to look after the foals on her own. She wasn't asked at that time about her age. After all, many did not return from the war, so there were not enough workers.

When a pig farm was organized on the farm, Dania was sent there. “If it is necessary, I will work on this site,” she said. But this was a completely new branch of animal husbandry for their Tatar village.

She worked on the collective farm "Kyzyl Tan", then at the state farms "Northern" and "Vatan" of the Arsky district. In 1948 the farms were not mechanized. However, responsibility and hard work helped Dania Galimova to achieve good results. She was on of the best breeders.

In 1966, Dania Khadizyanovna was awarded the Order “Badge of Honor” on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the TASSR, and in the same year, for success in the social competition of livestock breeders, they were awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic. According to the results of the assignments of the VIII five-year plan (1966-1970), by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 8, 1971, Dania Khadizyanovna Galimova was awarded the high title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Until 1987, she continued to work for the benefit of the Vatan state farm. Now she is retired and lives in Arsk district of Tatarstan. “They were not born heroes, but became them,” says Dania apa.

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