Youth chooses bread business

19 April 2019, Friday

Since March 19, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Union of Consumer Cooperation Organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Kazan Cooperative Institute, the project “Youth in Cooperation” has been launched on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan. As part of the program, students of the Kazan Cooperative Institute got some work experience in district consumer societies and consumer cooperatives. The interns studied the work of the enterprise from the inside, analyzed the documentation and looked at the work of the staff. This year, students were free to choose a place on their own.

So, the first year student of the Kazan Cooperative Institute Katya Kuznetsova also did. Katya chose the native village of Big Kaibitsy. She is a future technologist, so she went to learn the basics of the profession at a local bakery.

Literally from the first days of work, Yekaterina Kuznetsova fell into the hands of an experienced baker, Zinaida Petrova, and a technologist, Alevtina Alexandrova, who immediately began to teach the student how to bake. For a month Katya worked at the bakery, obediently performing all the tasks. In the evenings, she returned from work tired but pleased, proudly informed parents that she had already been entrusted with making loaves. And when the practice ended in early April, and it was necessary to return to Kazan to continue studying, Katya promised her mentors to return as a high-class specialist.

“At the end of the practice, I was once again convinced that I had chosen the right place in my life,” admitted Katya. - The most honorable and necessary profession today is to grow and bake bread! By the way, all the guys from our group went to practice in their areas. For example, my friend Veronika Valitova worked in the Apastovsky district. She really liked it.

As part of the project “Youth in Cooperation”, 150 students of the Kazan Cooperative Institute got the opportunity to work in trade, manufacturing, procurement, catering, and the economy. The experience gained by Nail Ashrapov, who had been practicing in the Production Plant Production Association of the Baltasinsky District and worked on the bread shop expedition as a dispatcher for selling finished products, was satisfying. Nailya Akhmetzyanova practiced at the Meridian Cafe in the Buinsky District and worked as a catering technologist. After returning to Kazan, the girl told her friends how she took care of the team, how the adults shared the secrets of mastery with her. 

Aigul Badrutdinova and Yazilya Zainullina worked as cooks of the cold shop in the cafe “Duslyk” of the Rybno-Slobodsky district. As the girls admitted, these were unforgettable days. During the practice, they not only got acquainted with modern production technologies, but also “tried” innovative equipment, got practical skills in the manufacture of semi-finished products and culinary dishes, got acquainted with the recipes of products, studied its range.

Third-year student of the department of commodity science and examination of the quality of food products Azalia Sadykova stood behind the counter in one of the shops of Agryz district. “It is not the first time that I have an internship at the counter, I really like this job, and after graduating from the university, I intend to devote my life to developing trade in the countryside,” Azalia Sadykova shared her impressions.

Following the results of the practice, especially distinguished students were given the opportunity to return to one or another enterprise of consumer cooperation. “And it is very important to know that you are in demand, that you are expected to work there after graduation,” they say.


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