In Tatarstan was introduced the method of genetic identification of cattle.

15 April 2019, Monday

In the Tatar Interregional Veterinary Laboratory they introduced the method of genetic identification of cattle. According to the Deputy Head of the Department of Information, Analytical and Business Support of the Department Nail Faizrakhmanov, the Tatar Interregional Veterinary Laboratory has completed the introduction of cattle genotyping techniques based on the analysis of microsatellite markers, that is what is happening at the DNA level.

“The relevance of high-precision identification and DNA certification of animals is a sought-after service for businesses engaged in both the sale and acquisition of breeding animals,” said Nail Faizrahmanov. He noted that the legislation on livestock breeding requires such organizations to confirm the origin of the livestock being sold.

According to experts, the main advantages of the analysis of microsatellite DNA markers can be attributed to the high accuracy of the method and the ability to use for the study of any biomaterial in small quantities.

As Sergey Tyulkin, the head of the genetic and molecular diagnostics department of the Tatar Interregional Veterinary Laboratory, explained, genetic identification is, first of all, the identification and assessment of individual genetic characteristics of the animal. It allows revealing especially valuable animals, to determine the origin and pure breed of animals, to confirm their belonging to one or another line, family, breed. Also, genetic identification makes it possible to establish the degree of kinship between animals.

In addition, the new method makes it possible to plan the livestock herd scheme, identify individuals that will constitute the pedigree basis of the herd, identify the most effective bulls and cows for mating or artificial insemination in order to improve animal productivity, Tyulkin added.

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