An entrepreneur from Tatarstan decided to feed the Russians with spelled

9 April 2019, Tuesday

Every week we write about people who have opened their businesses in the countryside, family farms and young entrepreneurs who are standing firmly on their feet and are engaged in their favorite business. One of these people is Marat Fashiyev, reviving a forgotten cereal crop in Tatarstan - spelled.

According to him, the choice in favor of spelled was not accidental - the entrepreneur learned and fell in love with this agricultural crop in his childhood. “I know about spelled for a long time, and decided to do it purposefully. In Kukmorsky district of Tatarstan, there is a small enterprise, where they also process spelled, and from the flour of half a day a very tasty vak-balish is obtained (a Tatar pie with meat and potatoes). I loved him since childhood, and that is why I had an idea to start processing this grain. Pushkin also talked about spelled - pop fed Baldu with spelled, and Balda worked very well. And it is not surprising - it is very nourishing, but at the same time you can eat it even after 6:00 pm and not get fat, ”says the businessman.

In addition, spelled is good for health and hypoallergenic, it contains more protein than wheat and more protein than a chicken egg. Eating spelled, according to nutritional reference books, strengthens the immune system, normalizes weight and blood sugar levels, improves cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, digestive and reproductive systems, and reduces the risk of anemia, infectious diseases and cancer.

The entrepreneur was born in Rybnaya Sloboda and received a higher education in the capital of Tatarstan. “I graduated from the Agricultural Institute in Kazan and my whole life was spent in agriculture. For many years I worked in the large agricultural holding “Vamin,” Marat Fashiyev says, “fate brought me to Buinsk. I was told that there is a cereal plant. The enterprise was built in 1993, but has been idle for the last 6 years. Since I became its owner 4 years ago, we have been working almost all day, seven days a week. It was decided to engage in only half-grain - we make pasta, cereals, bread and flour. The plant is really good, it is equipped with German brand Bühler, because it is very difficult to recycle spelled. Spelled is wild wheat and its husks are difficult to separate from the grains. One grain can spin 20 times until the mechanism manages to clean it. This is the only grain crop in which there are two grains in one husk.

“Spelled is a very useful product. Now we live in the XXI century, and people should eat organic food. Spelled never takes anything from the outside - neither pesticides nor fertilizers. Now healthy eating is fashionable, and I am very glad that I decided to start producing such products, ”says Marat Fashiev.

The businessman admits that it was difficult to start, but now the company is stable. Marat Fashiyev proudly notes that only residents of the Buinsky district work at his plant and receive a decent salary. Today, Polba M Grocery Plant specializes in the production of various products from spelled: whole-grain and crushed cereals, flour, pasta, etc. In 2018, the company sold more than 620 tons of products.

“Now many people already know us because a very limited circle of enterprises works with spelled heels. This is not a very common product. 

The entrepreneur delivers raw materials from all over the country. “We take the spelbag from Altai, from Krasnodar, Rostov, Tatarstan - where we not only take grain, but also send products from Khabarovsk to Kaliningrad. In remote regions, however, there are not many orders — only online stores and small health food stores are interested. Our main buyers are Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Moscow, where there is spelled large wholesale. At the same time, only 7-10% of all manufactured products are shipped to Kazan, ”notes Faskhiev.


For reference:


According to scientists, the age of spelled is about 6000 - 8000 years. In Russia it was distributed until the XIX century. But due to the complexity of grinding with the advent of new high-yielding varieties of wheat, this culture faded into the background. About 10-15 years ago, various polba dishes began to appear in Europe. Spelled is a very healthy culture at the gene level, resistant to drought, damage by pathogens, pests and weeds. Nutrients are contained not only in the shell of the grains, but evenly throughout the whole grain. This means that it retains its nutritional value even with the finest grinding. It has many beneficial and healing properties.

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