Life of the countryside in all its glory

3 April 2019, Wednesday

It is the name that Aigul Samigullina from the village of Vakhitovo of the Kukmorsky District maintains her Instagram page. Despite her young age, Aigul is only 26 years old, together with her husband she brings up 5 children, keeps a personal subsidiary farm, in which there are cattle, sheep and poultry.

The daily rural life of the Samigullin family via Instagram is observed by more than 5 thousand followers. Like many residents of the village, she wakes up with the first rays of the sun and she has time to milk the cow, while the youngest daughter Maryam sleeps. Care of a subsidiary farm is also on the shoulders of a young Aigul. She also has time to lead her blog, where she talks about the rural lifestyle, shares interesting facts and tips, communicates with subscribers.

 “We are an ordinary middle-income rural family, we live in our own home, the husband works on a collective farm,” shares Aigul. - Many townspeople say: “It’s good to live in the village, meat, milk, vegetables, fruits - everything is yours, for free, and there is a clean air”. I want to show how it all comes “free”, that it all comes only through tireless work. But the work has its own beauty, its own romance. Do not be afraid of work. When you work with desire, animal care is a pleasure. Yes, there are people who do not understand me. But I like this life. ”

It is worth noting that the village of Vakhitovo, Kukmorsky District, is famous for its bloggers. Another one of them is tractor driver Vasily Ivanov, who talks about his daily work simply and with humor.

“There is probably no one in the area who does not know Vasily,” says Aigul, “he and my husband work on a collective farm. He is very diligent.

This Friday at 18.00 in the program "Native Land" on the TNV channel you can watch a film about the unique village and its bloggers.

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