Private farms may receive government support

13 March 2019, Wednesday

In Tatarstan, great attention is paid to the development of small farms and personal subsidiary farms, which occupy a decent niche in the economy of the republic, and enjoy state support.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that in 2019 private farms have the right to receive state support in the following areas:

- subsidies for partial reimbursement of the cost of building dairy mini-farms;

- partial reimbursement of the costs of dairy cows, goats and goats older than one year;

- partial reimbursement of the cost of acquiring young poultry (geese, ducks, turkeys, broiler chickens);

-partial reimbursement of the cost of purchasing commercial and breeding stock of heifers;

- partial reimbursement of purchasing feed for mares.

Detailed information with a list of required documents for all types of state support to private farms for 2019 is posted on the official website of the Ministry

With all questions, citizens can contact:

- To GBU "Competence Center for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in the Republic of Tatarstan" by calling (843) 221-77-40;

- To the Department of Agriculture and Food in their district. The telephones and addresses of Agricultural Management Offices are posted on the official website of the Ministry and are available here;

- To the Department of the Development of Small Business Management of the Tatarstan's Ministry of Agriculture and Food  by phone (843) 221-76-54, 221-76-55.

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