The Tatarstan farmers can get subsidies for the purchase of mineral fertilizers.

11 March 2019, Monday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that to receive these funds, it is necessary to prove documentarily the accumulation of a crop of at least 30 kg AI / ha.

Subsidies in the amount of 1.5 billion rubles or over 500 rub./ha – are target, i.e. they can later be used only for the purchase of fertilizers. The choice of the type of fertilizer and the suppliers remains to agricultural entities.

This year, the task has been set to accumulate over 70 kg of active substance per hectare. Therefore, areas with low rates need to be active . This support is available only until March 30.

In the republic for the 6th of  March were purchased over 87 thousand tons substance of mineral fertilizers (30.5 kg of active substance per hectare). The dynamics for the week was 1.8%. 

According to the latest data, Zainsky district is one of the best, its farms have accumulated mineral fertilizers 67.2kg dv. per hectare of crops (96% of the forecast). Tetyushsky district places second with 64.3 kg d. per hectare of crops (91.9%) Sabinsky district is at 56.3ha (80.3) and Sarmanovsky district is 56.1kg d.v. per hectare (80.2%). Good performance is also in Tukaevsky, Atninsky, Baltasinsky, Buinsky, Kukmorsky, Muslyumovsky and Arsky areas. The remaining areas need to work harder.Particular attention should be paid to the Agryzsky, Cheremshansk and Kamsko-Ustyinsky districts with the lowest accumulation rates.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that mineral fertilizers are the basis for obtaining high yields and replenishing the removal of mineral elements from the soil. Fertilizers not only increase the yield, but also improve its quality: the content of sugars, fats and proteins, as well as biologically active substances increases. So, in areas where the work on the accumulation of mineral fertilizers is carried out in insufficient quantities, it is necessary to pay more attention to it.

For more information on the accumulation of mineral fertilizers for the harvest in 2019, as well as information on the production and sale of milk in the country and the processing of sugar beet, please visit our official website in the Operational Information section.

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