It was decided to sell the grain from the federal intervention fund only for the domestic market

5 March 2019, Tuesday

In connection with the frequent complaints from agricultural producers about the difficulties associated with the acquisition of grain, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation informs the agricultural producers about the possibility of acquiring interventional grain at the auction, which is implemented exclusively to meet domestic needs.

It was decided to sell the grain in the federal intervention fund only for the domestic market. This measure will help to maintain a stable price situation and the loading of processing facilities.

To remind, the interventional grain trading has been held since October by order of the government. In accordance with it, in 2018-2019, the sale of up to 1.5 million tons of grain from the intervention fund is allowed in the domestic Russian market and (or) for export. However, according to the decision of the Ministry of Agriculture, since March, only domestic producers can participate in the auction, including enterprises of the milling, baking and animal feed industries. As of February 15, the remaining volume of the intervention fund was 2.6 million tons of grain worth 25.2 billion rubles. The next auction is scheduled for 4-6 of March.

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