Marat Akhmetov: it is necessary to strengthen the work to increase the population of the Tatar breed of horses

4 March 2019, Monday

The Tatar horse breed is included in the Federal State Register as a selective achievement.

Reporting on the state of livestock breeding in the republic, Marat Akhmetov said that “in December last year, the State Commission of the Russian Federation on Testing and Protecting Breeding Achievements included a Tatar breed in the Federal State Register.”

According to the minister, in the republic work on the revival of this breed of horses was carried out over the past 8 to 10 years. Now the task is no less important - to build up this livestock year after year.

“In the republic, we still have 500 heads of such horses, in reproduction and an increase in the number of which, of course, we need to strengthen the work,” said Marat Akhmetov.

To note, the expert commission on testing and protecting breeding achievements of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation approved the act of assessing the economic usefulness of the Tatar horse and recommended that the FSSU State Torture Commission include the Tatar breed of horses in the State Register of Breeding Achievements Allowed for Use. Finding a breed in this State Register gives the right to propagate, import, certify and sell breeding material of the breed on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The originators are three farms - FE “Nabiullin FM” (Leninogorsk municipal district), KFH “Bakirov F.R.” (Alkeyevsky municipal district) and OOO Plemreproduktor them. Giniyatullina S.Sh. ”(Tyulyachinsky municipal district).

Horses of the Tatar breed are already gaining popularity and are even being filmed. So, in the film “Zuleikha opens her eyes,” which will soon be released on screens, the main character will come to the Kremlin on a Tatar horse.

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