A week of effective development of cooperation will be held in Tetyushi

1 March 2019, Friday

From 4 to 7th March, the Center of Competences for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in the Republic of Tatarstan, together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, organizes a Week of Effective Cooperation Development in Tetyushsky District, aimed at implementing measures to develop agricultural consumer cooperatives in the country.

The events will be attended by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Rishat Khabipov, heads of municipal districts, representatives of processing organizations, agricultural enterprises, farmers, trade and public catering organizations, as well as procurers.

Within the week there is an extensive business program. There are cultural events, interactive trainings on product marketing programs and round tables on interaction and state support of the IFH planned.

Participants will be introduced to the newest accounting system reflecting business operations in the organization, with a modern program of efficient trading.

We invite everyone interested in the development of the business!

Date and place: March 4, at 16.00, Tetyushsky District House of Culture, Tetyushi, ul. Malkin d.43.

March 5-7, from 9.30 to 14.30, GAPU "Tetyushsky Agricultural Technical School", Tetyushi, ul. 200 years old Tetyusham, d. 25.

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