The Ministry summed up the livestock industry in January

8 February 2019, Friday

The 7th  February, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan summed up the work of the livestock industry in January 2019. The event was chaired by Deputy Minister Nazip Hazipov. The meeting was also attended by consultants on animal husbandry, heads of breeding services of agricultural and food departments in municipal districts, specialists from the Main State Agricultural Management of Breeding in Animal Production of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, heads and specialists of a number of agricultural organizations.

In his speech, Nazip Khazipov focused on the issues of milk and meat production. In winter, milk production is the main source of funds for agricultural producers and this issue is kept by the Ministry under a constant control.

Agricultural enterprises in January produced 106 thousand tons of milk (103% compared to last year) and 33.2 thousand tons of meat, (this is 103% by 2018). The number of cattle is more than 722.5 thousand heads, including cows - 241.2 thousand heads. The calves appliance is more than 27.5 thousand.

The Deputy Minister drew attention to the list of farms that reduced the number of cows compared to last year, and announced the personal assignment of heads of republican organizations subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan to municipal districts.

We remind that to save livestock the republic provides subsidies in amount of 391 million rubles. For those who have one cow, the compensation is 2 thousand rubles, two cows - 3 thousand rubles per cow, three or more - 4 thousand rubles.

Summing up, Nazip Hazipov announced the forthcoming board of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, which will be held from 13 to 15 February 2019 at the KAZAN EXPO IEC at the address: Tatarstan, Laishevsky District, Bolshie Kabany Str. Exhibition, 1 (International Airport) and urged USHiP specialists in municipal areas to study in detail and use the available reserves to increase the industry performance indicators.

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