Rustam Minnikhanov speaking to people of Leninogorsk: your potential is huge, your work is significant

7 February 2019, Thursday

The 6th February  the President of Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic - Minister of Agriculture and Food Marat Akhmetov visited the Leninogorsk municipal district.

Through their working visit, the guests, accompanied by the head of the district, Ryagat Khusainov, visited the greenhouse farm of KFH Victoria LLC, where they learnt about its activities and products, and also inspected the process factory - the training park of NGDU Leninogorskneft PJSC Tatneft. An exhibition of industrial enterprises and agricultural organizations of Leninogorsk region was organized in the House of Culture.

The main purpose of the visit is to participate in the meeting of the Council of Leninogorsk municipal district “On the results of the socio-economic development of Leninogorsk municipal district in 2018 and tasks for 2019”.

Ryagat Khusainov informed that the salary in Leninogorsk increased as part of general development of the regional economy. The volume of gross territorial product in 2018 amounted to over 80 billion rubles with a growth rate of 9%. The industrial production index was 103%. Revenues of large and medium-sized industrial enterprises of the region amounted to over 22 billion rubles.

Much is being done in the region for the development of small and medium enterprises. “Today, we have 562 small and medium-sized businesses and 1.5 thousand entrepreneurs. This is more than 18% of revenues of the district budget, 12% of the volume of production, over 4.5 thousand workers, ” said the head of the Leninogorsk region.

Ryagat Khusainov noted that as part of state support, in 2018, a subsidy in amount of about 21 million rubles from the national and local budgets was provided to 30 entrepreneurs.

The President of Tatarstan thanked the district asset and its leader for the work. Among the significant events and tasks that face the republic today, he called the implementation of the Strategy of Social and Economic Development of Tatarstan until 2030 and implementation of “May decrees” of President of Russia. All national projects are entirely focused on improving the quality of life of our citizens, said Rustam Minnikhanov, and Tatarstan will participate in all these projects. He noted that Tatarstan is one of the leading industrial economically developed regions of the federation.

As for the Leninogorsk district, it occupies the 14th position in the ranking of socio-economic development among other regions. According to Rustam Minnikhanov, in terms of gross territorial product (GTP), Leninogorsk district takes the 5th place, in average wages - 9th position, in terms of volume of products shipped – on 11th position, in rural development - 23rd position.

“I would like to draw your attention to livestock farming. Today, gross milk production is around 46 tons,” said Rustam Minnikhanov.

He reminded that in winter time milk production is the main source of funds for farmers. “Its known that you live in the oil zone, but the issues of livestock should be kept under special control. We need to work with population and provide support,” said President of Republic of Tatarstan.

Evaluating the overall contribution of Leninogorsk region to the economy of the republic, Rustam Minnikhanov concluded: “Your potential is huge, your work is significant”.

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