November 2019

How is agriculture developing in Germany? The answer to this question to the winners of the "Best in Profession 2018" contest was given by a rich program from the Union of Russian-Speaking Youth in Bavaria "Yunost". Visiting the Kuhstallcafe Illkofen barn-cafe, the Bavarian village of Hermansdorf (Herrmannsdorfer Landwerkstätten Glonn GmbH & Co. KG), excursions to farms in the areas of production of meat, dairy products, a bakery and eco-production of agricultural products, pig farm, chicken coop, gardening, participants have formed a complete picture of the work of the agro-industrial complex of Western colleagues.

October 2019

From November 22 to 23, by the subprogram "Rural Youth of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014-2020", a professional skill contest "Best in Profession" among young workers in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Tatarstan will be held. The competition is organized by the regional public organization “Agrarian Youth Association of the Republic of Tatarstan”, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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