Marat Zyabbarov: In Tatarstan for 4 months of the current year, the volume of agricultural products amounted to 63.7 billion rubles

4 June 2021, Friday

For 4 months of this year, the volume of agricultural products in all categories of farms, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to 63.7 billion rubles, in comparable prices to the level of last year – 100.1%. Such data was announced today at a meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan by Deputy Prime Minister-Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov.

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, held a meeting in videoconference mode with all municipal districts.

Marat Zyabbarov said that sowing works in the republic have been completed. Spring sowing amounted to 1.8 million hectares of land, winter crops were sown on an area of 552 thousand hectares. About 10% of winter crops were lost due to adverse weather conditions: these areas, in the amount of 58 thousand hectares, were re-sown.

Today, work is underway on the formation of the crop, and the preparation of feed. Mineral fertilizers are accumulated in amount of 72.7 kg of active substance per hectare, with a planned value of 70 kg.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the republic said that high wear of the sprayer fleet is recorded in agricultural formations, it is necessary to update about 1000 units of equipment. This work has already started. "Thanks to the decision of the President of Tatarstan to subsidize 50% of the costs for the purchase of sprayers, their renewal has begun. As of June 1 of this year, under this program, farms purchased 106 self-propelled sprayers, including 77 domestic ones for 1.4 billion rubles. In total, the farms have 1115 sprayers, including 307 self-propelled units, " the minister said.

Marat Zyabbarov recalled that farmers face the task of producing gross crop production in the amount of 144 billion rubles with an increase of 2.3%. Work in this direction is carried out in difficult conditions. "Despite the fact that the spring field work was organized at a high level, the past rains were not always productive. The high temperature also complicated the situation in the fields. Today, it is necessary to load all the sprayers as much as possible, " he stressed.

In the livestock industry, there is a negative trend in terms of increasing the number of cattle. In agricultural organizations, at the end of April 2021, compared to the corresponding period last year, the number of cattle decreased by 4.7%, including due to a decrease in the number of cows by 3.5%. For 4 months of the current year, 606.4 thousand tons of milk were produced in the republic with an increase of 1.5%. 161.2 thousand tons of livestock and poultry were raised, production decreased by 1.2%.

A reduction in the number of cattle occured in 19 districts. In Muslyumovsky, Menzelinsky, Bugulminsky districts, the restoration of livestock began. Livestock complexes are being actively built and highly productive breeding stock is being purchased.

Also, in order to increase added value, industrial production is being modernized. An effective tool for ensuring the sustainable state of agricultural producers is the allocation of state support measures. To date, 32% of the annual amount of funds in the amount of 2.237 billion rubles has been brought to the recipients from the federal budget, and the plan for 2021 is 6.993 billion rubles.

Marat Zyabbarov said that the mechanism of preferential lending is in demand among agricultural producers. To date, 65% of the annual limit has been disbursed, and the funds have been brought to the producers in the amount of 451.6 million rubles (the limit for the year is 689.6 million rubles).

In order to increase business activity in rural areas, measures to allocate grant support are being implemented. Within the framework of the national project "Small and medium-sized Businesses and support for individual entrepreneurial initiatives", funding in the amount of 345 million rubles is provided for 2021. The development of the financing is planned to begin in August of this year.

To improve the financial stability of agricultural enterprises, 16 meetings of the balance sheet commissions were held, at which the activities of 192 enterprises were reviewed. A thorough analysis was carried out for each enterprise, and an action plan was developed to involve the existing reserves. As a result of the work carried out, the tax arrears of agricultural enterprises as of May 1, 2021 amounted to 498.3 million rubles, including 246.2 million rubles for bankrupt enterprises. The debt reduction compared to the same period last year amounted to 92.8 million rubles (+15.3%).

Special attention is paid to the issue of increasing the average monthly salary. As of May 2021, the average salary in the agricultural sector was 28 thousand 576 rubles. The goal is to bring this figure to 30 thousand rubles by the end of the year. To implement this task, measures are taken to reduce labor-intensive processes in production, which contributes to increasing labor productivity. Recommendations are being developed and implemented to improve the system of incentive payments, to link wages with the achievement of planned industry indicators and to improve the quality of products.

Since March of last year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food regularly monitors the financial and economic condition of large and socially significant (system-forming) organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan. From the agro-industrial complex, 36 organizations were included in the list of system-forming ones. According to the monitoring results, today all enterprises show positive dynamics.

In order to expand sales markets in the republic, an Export Support Center has been established, focused on promoting the products of small and medium-sized businesses. As of today, Tatarstan has exported agricultural products worth $108.9 million, with a planned annual value of $ 320 million.

Active work is being carried out to involve Tatarstan manufacturers in the e-commerce segment. The main task is to establish cooperation with the largest e-commerce players.

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