Agrarians of Tatarstan took to the fields

5 April 2021, Monday

Agrarians of Tatarstan started spring field work. Farmers of Aznakayevsky and Yutazinsky districts were the first in the republic to start spring field work.

Agricultural production complex "Talli Bulyak" has already started feeding winter rye on 160 hectares. In total, feeding of winter grain crops in the Aznakayevsky district should be carried out on an area of 22 thousand hectares, perennial grasses - on 17 thousand hectares. And the agrarians of the Yutazinsky district started feeding winter crops on an area of 0.2 thousand hectares. In the republic, work on feeding winter crops is planned on an area of 552.5 thousand hectares.

“After wintering, the plants come out weakened, nitrogen is washed out from the root layer in the soil, so early spring feeding is a “ breakfast ” for winter crops. The soil at this time remains waterlogged and fertilizers quickly dissolve and are used by winter crops. We feed crops with ammonium nitrate at the rate of 100 kg per hectare. Today, the main task for the region's farmers is to organize spring field work in a short time and with good quality, ”commented Ramil Islamov, head of the Department of Agriculture and Food, on the progress of spring field work.

For more information on the progress of field work in 2021, please visit our official website of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Operational Information section.

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