The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan is interested in systemic insurance protection of animal husbandry

3 November 2020, Tuesday

“Today Tatarstan is among the top three constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of the size of industrial livestock, and the livestock industry should receive decent protection of its risks. For the active development of insurance of risks of animal husbandry in the republic, a separate system of measures and a specific action plan are required. NSA with insurers in the region are ready, together with the Ministry of Agriculture of the republic, to develop and implement it, which will provide reliable insurance protection for the republic's livestock breeders and bring the region to a leading position. This was said by the President of the National Union of Agricultural Insurers Korney Bizhdov following a special thematic seminar for livestock breeders.

The discussion of insurance coverage of the agro-industrial complex of Tatarstan with the participation of the NSA took place by the initiative of the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture of the republic on November 2.

In general, in Russia, the direction of animal husbandry insurance on a subsidized basis is in high demand: in total, more than a quarter of the industrial livestock has been insured in the country, and in 12 regions the insured livestock exceeded 50% (from 51 to 91%). The most demanded insurance coverage is in pig breeding, in which 52% of the country's industrial livestock is currently insured, and more than 30% of the livestock are covered in poultry farming.

As First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan Nail Zalakov noted in his speech, the department is interested in developing a "roadmap" for insurance of risks of animal husbandry and the interests of pig and poultry enterprises, which are most vulnerable to the threat of epizootics, require it. The low coverage of livestock with insurance is due to a misunderstanding on the part of livestock breeders of the conditions of the current agricultural insurance mechanism. “We set ourselves a task of communicating the benefits of using insurance mechanisms to livestock breeders in a new, substantive and targeted manner, with specific examples,” concluded Nail Zalakov.

“NSA is ready to provide the Ministry of Agriculture and farms of the republic with all the necessary organizational, methodological and informational support in the development and implementation of programs for the use of insurance instruments,” commented Korney Bizhdov.

According to the NSA, in the first 9 months of this year, livestock breeders of Tatarstan provided insurance coverage for 133 thousand agricultural animals, more than 6 million poultry and 38 thousand pigs. The spread of insurance with state support in the livestock sector of the republic has remained at approximately the same level over the past three years. The number of farm animals in the farms of agricultural producers of the republic at the beginning of this year amounted to 1.2 million heads.

The event took place in webinar form with the support of the Agrariy Plus publication. It was attended by experts from the NSA, representatives of the administration of the republican Ministry of Agriculture, specialists from insurance companies that are members of the NSA, and agricultural producers of the region. The topics of discussion were the practice of making insurance contracts for agricultural animals and issues of settlement of losses.

“According to the NSA, during the period of the law on state support for agricultural insurance - since 2012 - agricultural producers of the Republic of Tatarstan received almost 3.5 billion rubles of insurance payments,” said NSA President Korney Bizhdov.


For reference: According to the Federal Law No. 260-F3 "On State Support in the Field of Agricultural Insurance", in Russia, within the centralized system, state support is provided for insurance of risks in crop production, livestock farming and commercial aquaculture. Since January 1, 2016, a single all-Russian association, the National Union of Agricultural Insurers, has been operating on the agricultural insurance market with state support. Only insurance companies-members of the union have the right to conclude insurance contracts with state support.

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