How to build a successful rural business?

30 October 2020, Friday

How to build a successful rural business? What direction to choose? Where to begin? What support and subsidies can you get from the state? What will help you make the right management decisions and increase your profitability? All this can be found in the online school for farmers.

The online learning format is becoming more and more popular. The main trend today is to learn and master skills quickly. That is why in September this year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with RIVTs JSC, launched an educational platform for farmers "Agroonline", which allows you to gain knowledge that was previously available only to higher educational institutions. The courses involve not only educational and practical parts, but also assistance in the implementation of innovations in the economy. This is ensured by round-the-clock support for students, answering questions, providing additional materials for self-study, testing after each lecture, and working on "mistakes".

The training program is designed for all areas of agricultural activity and includes both short seminars and long courses, with detailed immersion in the problems and practical examples.

So, in November, courses on lean production in agriculture, precision farming technologies, efficient dairy farming, a school for a novice farmer and many other areas will start.

Particular attention should be paid to the webinar "Business analytics in agricultural enterprises". The knowledge gained during the lesson will allow you to create a system of operational management decisions based on automatic visualization of enterprise data. Such a mechanism will help build a successful business in the agricultural sector. The speaker - the general director of RIVC JSC Niyaz Khaliullin - will tell from his own experience about the importance of visualization of business processes, and the deputy general director for information technologies of AGROSILA JSC Artem Kotlov will present the operation of the decision-making system using the example of an agricultural holding.

Registration is available at the link: or by phone 8 (800) 550-24-41.

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