How to Get on Retail Shelves: Free Webinar

28 October 2020, Wednesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs that on October 28 at 12:00 on the single educational platform "Agropolya" the next free webinar, which will be devoted to the sale of food products, will be held.

During the course "Sales of food products - How to get to retail shelves?" experts will answer the questions that concern all manufacturers:

• How to stop beating the thresholds of large trading companies?

• How not to sign up to huge fines in supply contracts?

• How to increase the stores’ minimum order size?

To participate in the training, you need to register on the Agropolya portal or call the toll-free number: 88005502441.

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Registration will allow participants to view past seminars, as well as ask questions during a training.

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