Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, a new horse farm will appear in the Buinsky district

3 September 2020, Thursday

Irek Khasanov, a resident of the village of Starye Studentsy, Buinsky District, plans to breed horses. This year, the novice farmer won a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan in the amount of 3 million rubles.

- I won this competition for the second time. We will direct part of the grant for the construction of a farm, and the other part for the purchase of horses, ”says Irek.

The farmer plans to launch the first horses into the premises in early November this year. Therefore, without delay, I started building a farm on my share plots. It will be a metal structure, the frame is already ready. They will fence off the territory, make a card. Hay has already been brought there. Irek is currently growing animal feed on 50 hectares, in the future he will increase it to 75 hectares. To harvest the crops he has a tractor, trailed implements, in the future he plans to replenish the technical park.

And although he took his first steps in farming only in 2018, he has a lot of experience in caring for horses: he started breeding them together with his father 25 years ago. Today Irek Khasanov has six horses.

- Now people began to give preference to horse meat. As the demand for kazylyk increased, I decided to go on with horse breeding. Such support from the state speeds up the work.

Under the terms of the grant from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the farmer must allocate his funds in the amount of 350 thousand rubles, in five years to bring the livestock to 80, and create two jobs. But Irek Khasanov is not going to stop there. First of all, he plans to expand production - to open a workshop for meat products. His other dream is to breed horses not only for meat, but to bring them closer to people, and organize active recreation. He is sure that there will be a lot of people who want to ride horses.

By the way, this year three more Buinsky farmers have won the “Beginner Farmer” grant. Ilnur Gibadullin from Cherka-Grishino plans to cultivate grain on 104 hectares, Ildar Himalov - to build a poultry farm in Isakovo with an annual turnover of 10 thousand broilers, Ramil Abdulmanov - a cowshed for 50 heads in Nizhny Naratbash.

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