News from the fields: Sowing of winter crops started in Tatarstan

21 August 2020, Friday

The agrarians of Pestrechinsky, Leninogorsky, Tukayevsky, Rybno-Slobodsky, Bugulminsky and Sarmanovsky districts were among the first in the republic to start the sowing campaign.

“Winter crops have been sown on an area of ​​1,775 hectares in Sarmanovsky district. All farms are involved in the work. Winter crops will be sown on green manure fallows, the area of ​​which is 15,900 hectares. Of these, on 2300 hectares, liming has already been carried out, mineral and organic fertilizers have been applied, ”said Albert Sharipov, head of the regional department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan.

This year, it is planned to sow 17 825 hectares with winter crops, incl. wheat - 15 708 hectares and 2117 hectares rye.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, this year the republic plans to allocate at least 552 thousand ha for winter crops. 405 thousand hectares will be sown with winter wheat, 131 thousand hectares with winter rye.

Today, in the republic, grain and leguminous crops have been harvested from 799.7 thousand hectares, which is 53% of the harvested area of ​​these crops. 3 million 104 thousand tons of grain, including 1399.7 thousand tons of winter wheat, 329.5 thousand tons of winter rye, 1,049.1 thousand tons of barley and 127.3 thousand tons of peas were threshed. The average grain yield is 38.8 c / ha.

Today, the main task of farmers is to carry out seasonal field work in a quality and timely manner.

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