Loans at a reduced rate from 1 to 5% are now available for farmers

23 June 2020, Tuesday

Since 2017, in Tatarstan, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, a mechanism of preferential lending to farmers has been implemented. Under this program, farmers can get loans at a reduced rate from 1 to 5%.

This support measure allows the use of borrowed funds for business development not only for large agricultural producers, but also for small forms of management. The maximum size of a preferential short-term loan for one borrower should not exceed 600 million rubles. Representatives of small businesses can independently choose a bank where to get a soft loan and submit the necessary documents.

In Tatarstan, 152 applications for short-term loans for small business forms for amount of 734.8 million rubles and 58 applications for 548.0 million rubles were approved and sent to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

In order to get a loan on favorable terms, you must meet several requirements:

The borrower should not be in process of liquidation and reorganization.

The status of a tax resident of the Russian Federation and registration on the territory of the Russian Federation as a legal entity and individual entrepreneur.

Bankruptcy proceedings should not be initiated against the borrower.

The agricultural producer should not have debts in excess of 50 thousand rubles for the last 30 days.

Today, small businesses can apply to Sberbank, Russian Agricultural Bank, VTB, Gazprombank, Alfa Bank and others and get approval as soon as possible.

In total, subsidies in the amount of 725.7 million rubles were allocated to Tatarstan.

Farmers can get a free consultation on filling out the necessary documents in the ministry or on the single number of the call center of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan 8-800-444-16-70.


For reference:

Small business forms - peasant farms created in accordance with the Federal Law "On Peasant Farming", and agricultural cooperatives (except agricultural credit consumer cooperatives) created in accordance with the Federal Law "On Agricultural Cooperation", without restrictions on annual income, business companies, partnerships and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the production and processing of agricultural products, as well as production cooperatives (excluding agricultural cooperatives) engaged in the purchase of agricultural raw materials whose annual income for the reporting financial year is not more than 120 million rubles.

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